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Recently Developed San Francisco Res Project Lands $104 Mil in New Financing


Panoramic Interests has locked up new financing of $104 mil on City Gardens, a recently developed, 200-unit multi-housing property located in San Francisco.

City Gardens consists of two-, four- and five-bedroom micro-units, boasting strategic, efficient design. The property totals 152.4k sf of space and features fully furnished bedrooms and living areas, expansive windows with beautiful city views and 9’ ceilings. The project was sustainably built with high-efficiency lighting and plumbing, laminated heat resistant glass and energy recovery ventilation.

Located at 333 12th St in the Western Mission/SOMA neighborhood, City Gardens is positioned near many shopping and grocery options, including Costco and Trader Joe’s, and various dining, bars and cafes. Additionally, the property is nestled between two burgeoning areas, including Hayes Valley; a revitalized neighborhood filled with high-end boutiques and vibrant restaurants and watering holes; and the Design District; which features renowned designer and furnishing showrooms.

Charles Halladay, Alex Witt, Jordan Angel, Jonah Aelyon and Lauren Mezzanotte with JLL Capital Markets arranged the three-year, floating-rate loan. It was funded through Ready Capital.

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